Wednesday, June 24, 2015



      One of the very first things I started seeing on the internet when I first started learning how to navigate it in 2011 was all the hate sites, most were political and religious hate sites. I also need to admit that I was very ignorant when it came to knowing the political and religious views that most Americans hold. I actually became shocked when I realized that a huge population of American adults behave like 12 year old mean girls. Of course, I knew that we have our fair share of haters, every civilization does. What I did not realize was how many so-called average American people have pure hate running through their veins. Another thing that shocked me was how many of these people base most of their hate on lies. I made a decision right then and there, when I realized this, that I will never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that was not informed. And being that I was so ignorant at that time I had no idea this was going to be a huge feat within itself.

           I also shied away from politics, because I ignorantly thought they were too hard, or complicated to understand. And if there is anything I now fully understand it is that there are many politicians who rely on this fact. They need us to stay uninformed, they factor in the percentage of us who do not vote and do not follow politics to help them climb their political ladders. These are the men and women who have their own political agendas and believe me when I say that they are usually our enemy. They do not care about how we are being treated by the governments we put in place, or the one's we do not stop from being in place to mistreat and misrepresent us. We are a non-entity to them because we do not vote. And this helps their odds of winning whatever office they are running for.
       After I started learning more about how the American political system really works I started to pay attention to what every politician was saying on TV and in the newspapers. I then noticed that there are a group of men (and to shock you even more) and even some women who are trying to take our rights away from us as I am writing this. These people really believe that women have no place in the work force or if we are there, we only need to work low level jobs. They also believe that FEMINISM is responsible for the decaying of the family structure in America today. They think that men are the only one's who legitimately need good paying jobs, because they are the one's that G-d assigned to be the "Head of Households" not women. They believe that in most cases when a man and woman divorces it is the fault of the wife because she did not preform her G-dly duties as G-d directed her to and she failed the man so she should suffer and too bad if the children conceived in this marriage suffers too. She is the reason for their suffering as well, or so they really believe.

          I could not believe that so-called "Good Christian" men and women really believe this shit. I was so stupid that I thought that only the backward and backwater types of people believed this garbage. You know, the uneducated people of America who's beliefs would never affect my life in any way were the only one's ignorant enough to fall for this shit, not our politicians.. I thought for sure, while I had the luxury of not paying attention to the political shape America was heading in that the people who understood politics, the people who I really believed were a billions times smarter than me, would never allow these types into any kind of office to make decisions for women or even men for that matter. I really believed that the rights of women in America were set in stone. Then one day while pondering this hugely controversial subject I realized that American women are not protected in any way as long as we have to rely on MEN to make sure we keep our rights.

How stupid was I for not seeing what is right in front of my face? Women having and keeping our rights as a man has theirs is a G-DDAMNED farce as long as we women have to rely on men to make sure we keep them. And all it will take for us to lose these rights is for enough misogynistic men to infiltrate our government in key spots and they are GONE.

                                               AN AMERICAN WAR ON WOMEN

  I really believed that people who said that their was an attack on women currently going on in America were being overly dramatic, maybe even a little paranoid. Who would even believe that in this new millennium, that men, even some women, really believe that women need men to guide us in life, because we are too weak, mentally and emotionally. Some believe we are not smart enough to know what we want and what is good for us. I really thought that they were being "Drama Queens". No, they are right and I was completely wrong for judging them, making a harsh judgement without even bothering to look into the matter to see if these people had legitimate grounds to actually think there is a "War on Women" today.

   Another thing I  ignorantly assumed and did not fully understand was I thought that they meant there was just a physical War on Women. Of course, being a True Crime buff, I knew this was true. But, I did not realize that the war they were speaking of was about the whole body of women, our place in life, our freedom of choices our choices period, our whole being, is being attacked. Our essence. Our right to have Human Rights is being tested. As I said who would really think this? I will tell you who, the men and women who pay attention to the plight of women here and all over the world.

       Something else I realized and  I am extremely grateful for, is that I was a woman born inside the United States, this is something I now do not take lightly. I may bitch, moan and groan about things, but I would not give up being American for all the wealth in the world because I am a woman. Not only do we as women have a responsibility to our female offspring to ensure her a  safe and fair place in this world, we owe something to the women in this world who cannot even understand the concept of their body being totally theirs. There are some women in this world who cannot speak out for herself. If she does, she risks being beat, jailed or even murdered because she dared to believe she has value as a human being. Not the kind of value her male family members place on her either. She has a right to exist and have say in her life, not to be treated as cattle. There was an African politician last year who made a public speech or gave a public interview where he compared African women to cattle.  Meaning their women only have value in the sense she is the physical property of her father's and after she is sold into marriage she is now the property of not only her husband, but his entire family. The girl's new Mother-in-law welcomes her into the family. Because she can now have her own personal slave. It is her time to put her slave hat up and become a slave owner.

   Even worse in some African, Middle Eastern, Indian and Pakistani countries if the Mother-in-law feels that her family has been duped by the father of her new daughter-in-law it can have deadly consequences for her.  Meaning, if the Mother-in-law feels her son and her family paid too much for a defective piece of property when they purchased the girl from her family to become their new house servant and his sex slave, that is also expected to immediately start producing male offspring and she is not meeting their expectations somehow her life becomes very ugly. If it was not ugly enough to begin with it now becomes so bad that the young girl who is nothing more than a child herself will sometimes commit suicide in one of the most horrendous ways possible. She will set herself on fire in the kitchen. Even worse, a lot of times the girl is murdered by her Mother-in-law and the family feigns it was suicide. This is something that is common place, especially in India and Pakistan. You would think that the Mother-in-law would be more sympathetic to her new child-like daughter-in-law, considering that only a couple decades prior she was in the exact same place as her Daughter-in-law is or was in.

     However, I also want to stress that even though the example I have just given is common place, it is not the norm. You have to consider that India and Pakistan have almost a billion people living there, so that is why I say it is not uncommon but, not the norm.

    One of our biggest safeguards we have today in America is women are a huge voting force and we have to stay relevant. This is why I think it is very important that women start paying attention to the negative things politicians say about us and our place in American Society.

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