Saturday, July 4, 2015


  • (I was very shocked to find out that many women vote for who their husbands and Preachers tell them to vote for. I am shocked beyond words)
    1. It is very simple, any woman who votes for these women haters, obviously do not understand why you vote in the first place. You are supposed to vote for the candidate who has your best interest at heart. So, if the candidate is openly misogynistic, he does not.( sarcasm) Quit listening to your husbands and preachers and listen to what these men are actually saying in their speeches about women. Do not allow any man to tell you that you just do not understand politics and are not capable of understanding them, so just believe him when he tells you who is the best candidate for you to support is. Whenever a man tells you that it is just to complicated for you to understand and therefore, need him to interpret things for you. Ask him to break it down to you and put it into simple 'women words' that explains how a misogynist has your best interest at heart. HE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO! People get mad at me because I cannot stand these misogynists and unfriend me on FB because I do not like their Republican role models, so be it!!! Good riddance, you as women are only helping these whack jobs to put us back into the proverbial kitchen where they really believe we belong. This shit is getting scary for us!!! If they are women haters I do not respect any of their views whatsoever!! Even the one's that have may have merit. It is real simple; if you hate me, I can hate you back. Seriously, how can women put these people into office who do not respect them as a human being, albeit a female one?

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