Tuesday, November 24, 2015


http://doenetwork.org/cases/18umfl.html mn

*JUST SOME PERSONAL THOUGHTS ABOUT THESE DEPICTIONS.I think it is interesting to see two separate artists depictions of this young man. Each one using his skull to come to their very different conclussions. This also tells us it could be entirely possible he does not resemble either one's depiction.

  This young man was found February 3, 1984, in South Bay, Palm Beach Co. Florida. He was found of US HWY 27 in a wooded area near the Broward Co. lineThere are not any indicators stating that he was homeless per se. I am adding his case because of how young he could have possibly been when someone decided he did not deserve to live anymore and bashed him in the head, aiming at the base of his skull with an object. He could be as young as 17-years-old or as old as 28. His build was probably more on the lanky side, anywhere between 5'9 to 6'0 tall and weighed abt. 110-130 pounds. His hair was brown and a little bit wavy. Being that he was murdered, a year prior his body was almost completely skeletonized and thus the Medical Examiner could not tell what his eye color was.

     However, there was another clue that could help to identify him and send him home to his mother and family. Assuming he has one, and probability states he more than likely does. On the inside band of his sweat shorts there were the numbers 82502. These numbers sound like they could be a county jail number to me, that was assigned to an inmate.  And if so, he would have marked every one of his belongings with it, especially clothing that was sent to the  jail laundry to be washed. Another clue that puts me in agreement with the ME, as to the time of death probably, being  a full year or so, prior to him being found, is the fact he was wearing Blue Striped tube socks. Because at this time in 1984 they were definitely going out of style.

*And to add an anecdote that has nothing to do with this case;
Speaking of "Tube Socks"! But, anyhoo. A couple of weeks ago my adult daughter bought me a pair as a joke. Because she had seen a picture of me taken circa 1979 wearing a pair of dominate green one's with a yellow stripe in the middle, while sporting a brand new of pair Chucks. I also was wearing cut-offs and had a feathered haircut to finish the picture off. HIDEOS is the first word that came to my mind when I saw the picture. It was one of those very rare photos that you had no e                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Saturday, November 21, 2015


    From what little information is available about this case makes Law Enforcement believe this man was a transient. Possibly from Ohio, or at least he was traveling from there going to California. Of course, it does not say why they believe this. But, what is known is that he was found deceased between to bales of hay in a barn in Winniesheik County, Iowa. He was found on March 31,1986.  They ( Law Enforcement) are saying he probably died from exposure.

    They believe he died almost exactly one year prior to his discovery, in April of 1985. They believe he was in his early to mid 30's. Medium height 5'6-5-9. Average weight of 145-160. With brown hair and was of medium build.

He would have been average appearing in every way, even in his clothing.

 He was wearing a lined Jacket with a short sleeved terrycloth shirt and corduroys. Black socks with brown shoes and an extra-large jacket.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


     As with my missing immigrant information blog, I will use clues to determine if I think a person is or was homeless before their death. Deceased bodies hold tons of information about who the person was in life. More than we tend to think that they do. However, something else I learned is that the possessions we carry on us every day also speaks volumes about who we are as people and who we are as a person. So, I figured I would just use some of the same basic principals I use in determining who is possibly an immigrant in determining who I believe is probably homeless or who lives a transient lifestyle.

     I am far from an expert of anything. I just happen to have more compassion than most people do for people.Especially, people I view as underdogs of this society we live in. I do not necessarily feel sorry for people unless there is a good reason to. But, I do have this huge ability of being able to empathize with people. I automatically do it, even when I try my best not to. Because it can be very daunting for me to always feel empathy for people who suffer. I have been this way my whole life. But, it was not until I reached my 40's that I realized that most people do not do this with everyone they meet or know. I just thought it was something that everyone naturally does.

   This is probably one of the reasons I learned to self-medicate early in life. Because I did not know how to shut this overwhelming gift off. I always thought I was just high-strung. I did not realize that I feel all of my feelings more intensely than most people. Then I finally found that I had to learn how to deal with my feelings in a better way that self-medicating was no longer an option. Then for years I just suffered with these overwhelming emotions. Then years ago when I finally learned to use my computer and the internet I figured out what had been going on with me all along. And I found if I worked towards helping other people in any way that I could it helped me hold them in check better. I do not know why but when I started becoming active in Human rights issues things just seemed to quiet down inside of me and I am now able to shut the unwanted emotions out. I learned to turn them off and on. Besides it was a huge relief to learn that I was not crazy. I just had the ability to feel things even feel the emotions of other people when they are really strong in them. Everyone does this. But, most people do it to a lesser degree than I do or others who are like me. I am not saying that I am a psychic. Because that word just does not jive with me. I will say that I am a sensitive. But, that is as far as it goes.

    So, this is why I have made these blogs. I have made them out of selfishness, the selfishness of wanting to be able to cope better and to help others as well.


    I am just going to add links to cases that involve the homeless to this blog and if I have the time to write about the case I will and if I do not... But, as I do with suspected unidentified immigrants and foreigners on my other missing blog, I just add the links as I come across them. I do not necessarily hunt for the cases. Because I usually do not have the time. But, I feel it is nice for people who are searching for their missing loved one's who happen to be homeless or are immigrants to be able to search at one place. This will save them tons of hours of searching for them case by case. The missing immigrant blog is starting to grow with links and I am hoping this one will work the same way. Nothing fancy, at all. Just for information purposes.