Monday, July 20, 2015


                                       WHY AND HOW I DECIDED TO WRITE ABOUT THIS

      The other day I was chatting with a very dear childhood friend of mine,  she asked me where in the Bible could she find the verses that supposedly support today's blatant mistreatment of Homosexuals.  Or, something to this effect. Anyhoo, we continued to chat about it further and I started to realize that I know absolutely zip about the history of Homosexuality. So, I started scanning some sites, real quick, looking for a site I felt was fairly trustworthy in the info it offered about the Biblical stance on Homosexuality. While doing this, I found some info that stated that there was not even a word for the same sexes engaging in sexual intercourse with each other in the language of the Ancient Hebrews. This immediately piqued my curiosity. I was just shocked by this, I do not know why. But, I am assuming it is because, I feel that if Homosexuality was such a blight on mankind as so many people of today are claiming it to be and then using their Bible to bear witness to it being some sort of sinister act, then it would only seem logical that the people back in the day would have at least had some nasty or rude Euphemisms for it if they did not have a word for it. So, I decided I had to learn more about this hugely controversial subject of today.

         As with anything else that I have taught myself about, I figured  the best place to start is at the beginning. Or, at least in this case, at the beginning of our written record. And because I am finding some of this info so thought-provoking I decided I would share what I have been learning with others.who were or are, as ignorant about this subject as I am. I found the history fascinating, considering that I am coming from a modern day standpoint looking back through the fog of history. I do not know what I thought I was supposed to find, but what I have been finding is nothing at all like I thought I should or would find.

    There is a lot of information to share, so, I decided I would share it in chapters. If anyone finds anything I am writing or the way I am interpreting it as false, feel free to let me know. That is if you really know that I am way off base about something. Meaning, if you just think I am wrong and you have no reliable facts to support your argument that I am wrong, please do not share in that way. I always welcome any corrections that I need to make. I know some people get their little ego's hurt when someone tells them they are wrong. However, I would rather be told early on, instead of later that I am wrong. Instead of appearing completely stupid for a long time before I figure it out for myself  I was wrong. I appreciate "constructive criticism", not people being hateful. In other words, please tell me now instead of allowing me to continue to look stupid by sharing false information. The reason I am even bringing this up in the first place is for the absolute fact that when you are researching a very hot and controversial subject there can literally be hundreds and sometimes thousands of sources to consult on the internet. So, I have learned to read the things written about the subject from all perspectives and just hope to find 'my truth' about it somewhere in the middle. And believe me, when I tell you there are a ton of different sources about this subject on the internet. Another trick that I found to do when I am learning about a "Hot Topic" of today, it is to go back and look for things written on the said subject before the topic had become "Hot" in the first place. But, in doing this you have to realize these types of subjects come in and out of "Vogue". ((((((DEFINITELY USING THAT PHRASE FOR LACK OF A BETTER WAY TO DESCRIBE IT.)))) I know it doesn't technically fit, but I am sure you get what I am trying to convey using it.

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