Tuesday, November 24, 2015


http://doenetwork.org/cases/18umfl.html mn

*JUST SOME PERSONAL THOUGHTS ABOUT THESE DEPICTIONS.I think it is interesting to see two separate artists depictions of this young man. Each one using his skull to come to their very different conclussions. This also tells us it could be entirely possible he does not resemble either one's depiction.

  This young man was found February 3, 1984, in South Bay, Palm Beach Co. Florida. He was found of US HWY 27 in a wooded area near the Broward Co. lineThere are not any indicators stating that he was homeless per se. I am adding his case because of how young he could have possibly been when someone decided he did not deserve to live anymore and bashed him in the head, aiming at the base of his skull with an object. He could be as young as 17-years-old or as old as 28. His build was probably more on the lanky side, anywhere between 5'9 to 6'0 tall and weighed abt. 110-130 pounds. His hair was brown and a little bit wavy. Being that he was murdered, a year prior his body was almost completely skeletonized and thus the Medical Examiner could not tell what his eye color was.

     However, there was another clue that could help to identify him and send him home to his mother and family. Assuming he has one, and probability states he more than likely does. On the inside band of his sweat shorts there were the numbers 82502. These numbers sound like they could be a county jail number to me, that was assigned to an inmate.  And if so, he would have marked every one of his belongings with it, especially clothing that was sent to the  jail laundry to be washed. Another clue that puts me in agreement with the ME, as to the time of death probably, being  a full year or so, prior to him being found, is the fact he was wearing Blue Striped tube socks. Because at this time in 1984 they were definitely going out of style.

*And to add an anecdote that has nothing to do with this case;
Speaking of "Tube Socks"! But, anyhoo. A couple of weeks ago my adult daughter bought me a pair as a joke. Because she had seen a picture of me taken circa 1979 wearing a pair of dominate green one's with a yellow stripe in the middle, while sporting a brand new of pair Chucks. I also was wearing cut-offs and had a feathered haircut to finish the picture off. HIDEOS is the first word that came to my mind when I saw the picture. It was one of those very rare photos that you had no e                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Saturday, November 21, 2015


    From what little information is available about this case makes Law Enforcement believe this man was a transient. Possibly from Ohio, or at least he was traveling from there going to California. Of course, it does not say why they believe this. But, what is known is that he was found deceased between to bales of hay in a barn in Winniesheik County, Iowa. He was found on March 31,1986.  They ( Law Enforcement) are saying he probably died from exposure.

    They believe he died almost exactly one year prior to his discovery, in April of 1985. They believe he was in his early to mid 30's. Medium height 5'6-5-9. Average weight of 145-160. With brown hair and was of medium build.

He would have been average appearing in every way, even in his clothing.

 He was wearing a lined Jacket with a short sleeved terrycloth shirt and corduroys. Black socks with brown shoes and an extra-large jacket.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


     As with my missing immigrant information blog, I will use clues to determine if I think a person is or was homeless before their death. Deceased bodies hold tons of information about who the person was in life. More than we tend to think that they do. However, something else I learned is that the possessions we carry on us every day also speaks volumes about who we are as people and who we are as a person. So, I figured I would just use some of the same basic principals I use in determining who is possibly an immigrant in determining who I believe is probably homeless or who lives a transient lifestyle.

     I am far from an expert of anything. I just happen to have more compassion than most people do for people.Especially, people I view as underdogs of this society we live in. I do not necessarily feel sorry for people unless there is a good reason to. But, I do have this huge ability of being able to empathize with people. I automatically do it, even when I try my best not to. Because it can be very daunting for me to always feel empathy for people who suffer. I have been this way my whole life. But, it was not until I reached my 40's that I realized that most people do not do this with everyone they meet or know. I just thought it was something that everyone naturally does.

   This is probably one of the reasons I learned to self-medicate early in life. Because I did not know how to shut this overwhelming gift off. I always thought I was just high-strung. I did not realize that I feel all of my feelings more intensely than most people. Then I finally found that I had to learn how to deal with my feelings in a better way that self-medicating was no longer an option. Then for years I just suffered with these overwhelming emotions. Then years ago when I finally learned to use my computer and the internet I figured out what had been going on with me all along. And I found if I worked towards helping other people in any way that I could it helped me hold them in check better. I do not know why but when I started becoming active in Human rights issues things just seemed to quiet down inside of me and I am now able to shut the unwanted emotions out. I learned to turn them off and on. Besides it was a huge relief to learn that I was not crazy. I just had the ability to feel things even feel the emotions of other people when they are really strong in them. Everyone does this. But, most people do it to a lesser degree than I do or others who are like me. I am not saying that I am a psychic. Because that word just does not jive with me. I will say that I am a sensitive. But, that is as far as it goes.

    So, this is why I have made these blogs. I have made them out of selfishness, the selfishness of wanting to be able to cope better and to help others as well.


    I am just going to add links to cases that involve the homeless to this blog and if I have the time to write about the case I will and if I do not... But, as I do with suspected unidentified immigrants and foreigners on my other missing blog, I just add the links as I come across them. I do not necessarily hunt for the cases. Because I usually do not have the time. But, I feel it is nice for people who are searching for their missing loved one's who happen to be homeless or are immigrants to be able to search at one place. This will save them tons of hours of searching for them case by case. The missing immigrant blog is starting to grow with links and I am hoping this one will work the same way. Nothing fancy, at all. Just for information purposes.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


      When I first starting learning about politics through the Media there were many phrases and words that I did not know or understand. I am going to list some and their meanings. I am doing this in no particular order.

 I guess I will start with a word I had heard many times in the past and I sort of knew what it meant, because we can all figure out the meaning of s lot of words by the context that it is being used. For me, it is a lot easier to do this while reading than by hearing it being used.

 Misogynist; This is a word that I use a lot , but it is a word that has gained popularity in the Media, as well. It means a man who hates women. Or in the least, one who feels we are inferior.

  Actually, I am shocked just how many men in prominent positions feel that men are superior to women and this is what has pissed me off and put me on a political role of bitching non-stop about it and the women who have put them in office knowing full-well they hate women. One day when a man overheard me stating that Ted Nugent is a woman hater he said, "well he has a wife" using this as proof that I am wrong about Ted. Come on,men need sex and of course they are going to get married because of this and even a bigger reason. They need a servant. I am not saying that Ted's wife is a servant,because I honestly, do not know much about his personal life. But, I find it hard to believe that a strong and independent woman who can totally stand alone and understands what he is trying to do politically would be married to him. I could probably not be in a room with him for any period of time without having to fight the urge off of bashing him in his big mouth. Just sayin!!!!

  1. 1.
    a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.
  1. 1.
    relating to or characteristic of a misogynist.
    "a misogynist attitude

Monday, July 20, 2015


                                       WHY AND HOW I DECIDED TO WRITE ABOUT THIS

      The other day I was chatting with a very dear childhood friend of mine,  she asked me where in the Bible could she find the verses that supposedly support today's blatant mistreatment of Homosexuals.  Or, something to this effect. Anyhoo, we continued to chat about it further and I started to realize that I know absolutely zip about the history of Homosexuality. So, I started scanning some sites, real quick, looking for a site I felt was fairly trustworthy in the info it offered about the Biblical stance on Homosexuality. While doing this, I found some info that stated that there was not even a word for the same sexes engaging in sexual intercourse with each other in the language of the Ancient Hebrews. This immediately piqued my curiosity. I was just shocked by this, I do not know why. But, I am assuming it is because, I feel that if Homosexuality was such a blight on mankind as so many people of today are claiming it to be and then using their Bible to bear witness to it being some sort of sinister act, then it would only seem logical that the people back in the day would have at least had some nasty or rude Euphemisms for it if they did not have a word for it. So, I decided I had to learn more about this hugely controversial subject of today.

         As with anything else that I have taught myself about, I figured  the best place to start is at the beginning. Or, at least in this case, at the beginning of our written record. And because I am finding some of this info so thought-provoking I decided I would share what I have been learning with others.who were or are, as ignorant about this subject as I am. I found the history fascinating, considering that I am coming from a modern day standpoint looking back through the fog of history. I do not know what I thought I was supposed to find, but what I have been finding is nothing at all like I thought I should or would find.

    There is a lot of information to share, so, I decided I would share it in chapters. If anyone finds anything I am writing or the way I am interpreting it as false, feel free to let me know. That is if you really know that I am way off base about something. Meaning, if you just think I am wrong and you have no reliable facts to support your argument that I am wrong, please do not share in that way. I always welcome any corrections that I need to make. I know some people get their little ego's hurt when someone tells them they are wrong. However, I would rather be told early on, instead of later that I am wrong. Instead of appearing completely stupid for a long time before I figure it out for myself  I was wrong. I appreciate "constructive criticism", not people being hateful. In other words, please tell me now instead of allowing me to continue to look stupid by sharing false information. The reason I am even bringing this up in the first place is for the absolute fact that when you are researching a very hot and controversial subject there can literally be hundreds and sometimes thousands of sources to consult on the internet. So, I have learned to read the things written about the subject from all perspectives and just hope to find 'my truth' about it somewhere in the middle. And believe me, when I tell you there are a ton of different sources about this subject on the internet. Another trick that I found to do when I am learning about a "Hot Topic" of today, it is to go back and look for things written on the said subject before the topic had become "Hot" in the first place. But, in doing this you have to realize these types of subjects come in and out of "Vogue". ((((((DEFINITELY USING THAT PHRASE FOR LACK OF A BETTER WAY TO DESCRIBE IT.)))) I know it doesn't technically fit, but I am sure you get what I am trying to convey using it.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

LESSONS LEARNED THE HARD WAY(older people learning to live in the computer age)

   I just thought that I would share my thoughts on using computers and telephones of today!!! Something a little bit lighter than politics and other issues. Just my feelings and some of my experiences with these new innovations of today.

   It is 2015 and I am 47 years old and unfortunately I did not learn how to even turn my damned home computer on for about 3 years after I bought it, let alone learning how to use a cell phone properly. That is, until 2011. What a lot of younger people of today do not realize is that we(people who are my age and older) were not exposed to any type of computers while growing up. We were not exposed to any in grade school or even in college, that is, if you went straight out of high school. Well, I have to take this statement back. We were not exposed to any type of computer that resembles the computers of today. The computers we had were more like the toys of small children of today. And to tell you the truth, the electronic toddler toys of today far surpass the so-called computers we had.

I went to a Grade School that was extremely fortunate enough to have what was called a Media Center. And if we were lucky we got to go there 2 times a month to learn how to use, what they were calling computers. I cannot remember clearly, but I know, we did not have more than 6 or 7, if even that many. And we had to insert these things that were sort of like a VHS tapes into them for whatever lesson we were wanting to receive. The one, that I always picked, to use, taught us a few words in French. It would show you a cartoon-like page on the screen and it would read you the lesson in French and then in English, as it wrote it across the screen. Then you answered multiple choice questions by pushing these huge buttons for yes or no.

    However, to be fair, I did learn from these lessons.Not much,but I can always recognize the French language when someone is speaking it. And I know the words for Yes and NO and I can still remember how to count and how to read and say some colors. However, Dora the Explorer has taught me more words in Spanish than this taught me in French.

    However, the whole point is, that I think it makes a huge difference when you are exposed to something as a child or even a teenager as to how well you can grasp it or how much you want to learn to use something as an adult. I am not saying that older people have not caught on early to these new and great innovations of today. But, it just makes a difference. And, I sadly, hate to admit this, but there are a lot of adults who refuse to learn anything new or who even keep up with the times unless they are forced to in some way.   Something, that has helped me, to learn to use my computer and other new types of technology are my nieces and nephews and grandchildren. And even my youngest daughter who is 10 and 11 years younger than my oldest 2 children, helped me tremendously when learning to use my computer and definitely my so-called "Smart Phone" that I used to always refer to as my 'Stupid Phone'.

    Here is a story that happened to me 2 years ago while trying to learn how to use my first Android phone. I kept having tons of trouble learning how to use it,or so I thought. Every time my Daughters and Grandson showed me how to complete one function of it and when I tried to later do it the exact same way they had repeatedly showed me to later, it would not work. Another thing that the 'stupid' thing was doing was it would call people when it was sitting across the room on my dresser charging. I kept trying to tell them.( the people in my household) it was not me doing this. But,since I was only one step away from being completely phone using illiterate they assumed I was somehow doing magic tricks and causing my phone to call people from across the room.

      This madness went on for about a month before I finally was able to get my daughter to sit down with me and show me how to use the entire phone correctly. If I would have still had the option to switch back to using, what they were calling my "dinosaur" phone I would have. But, it was no longer working. So, after about 5 minutes of her messing with it she said "This phone does not work right" "you need to take it back and get a new one". Oh! Did I ever feel vindicated!!!! My intellectual self-esteem (if there is such a thing" had taken a major hit. Because I was doing exactly what they were showing me to do to use the phone and half of the times it did not work. It is funny now!!!!But, then I was not the least but amused and if it had not been for the fact the phone had cost almost 3 hundred dollars on sale, I would have smashed it off of the wall my times over.

   But, being that I had no frame of reference to use when learning the new phone, I really thought I was the "Stupid"one, not my so-called "Smart Phone".
  Another thing that drives me insane are these automated phones. Or whatever you call these recordings that you get whenever you call a business of today. the one's that make you enter your life history just to ask a simple question or a hard one. I wonder sometimes if some of these places do not deliberately make these things harder to get passed when trying to pay a bill so you will switch to their automatic deduction of your bank account for what you owe each month so you do not have to go through all the BS to give them money. I swear, if a business that I used had a program where you could pay 5 dollars more a month just to always be able to talk to a live human being when initially calling them I would pay it. These damned things are my enemy from hell.

  It seems that the philosophy of making a customer feel special or at least respected has also went right out the window with the advent of computers too. I am sure that many others feel exactly as I do about this situation.

    Yes, computers have played a huge role in helping mankind move forward, but, as with everything else, there are always side effects or draw backs to the best of intentions. And being that I did not grow up with this technology it has made it even harder for me to like in a lot of situations. Sometimes, I wish things would go back to the pre-computer day!!! Or at least, I wish that I could visit this long gone era!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2015


  • (I was very shocked to find out that many women vote for who their husbands and Preachers tell them to vote for. I am shocked beyond words)
    1. It is very simple, any woman who votes for these women haters, obviously do not understand why you vote in the first place. You are supposed to vote for the candidate who has your best interest at heart. So, if the candidate is openly misogynistic, he does not.( sarcasm) Quit listening to your husbands and preachers and listen to what these men are actually saying in their speeches about women. Do not allow any man to tell you that you just do not understand politics and are not capable of understanding them, so just believe him when he tells you who is the best candidate for you to support is. Whenever a man tells you that it is just to complicated for you to understand and therefore, need him to interpret things for you. Ask him to break it down to you and put it into simple 'women words' that explains how a misogynist has your best interest at heart. HE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO! People get mad at me because I cannot stand these misogynists and unfriend me on FB because I do not like their Republican role models, so be it!!! Good riddance, you as women are only helping these whack jobs to put us back into the proverbial kitchen where they really believe we belong. This shit is getting scary for us!!! If they are women haters I do not respect any of their views whatsoever!! Even the one's that have may have merit. It is real simple; if you hate me, I can hate you back. Seriously, how can women put these people into office who do not respect them as a human being, albeit a female one?

    Wednesday, June 24, 2015



          One of the very first things I started seeing on the internet when I first started learning how to navigate it in 2011 was all the hate sites, most were political and religious hate sites. I also need to admit that I was very ignorant when it came to knowing the political and religious views that most Americans hold. I actually became shocked when I realized that a huge population of American adults behave like 12 year old mean girls. Of course, I knew that we have our fair share of haters, every civilization does. What I did not realize was how many so-called average American people have pure hate running through their veins. Another thing that shocked me was how many of these people base most of their hate on lies. I made a decision right then and there, when I realized this, that I will never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that was not informed. And being that I was so ignorant at that time I had no idea this was going to be a huge feat within itself.

               I also shied away from politics, because I ignorantly thought they were too hard, or complicated to understand. And if there is anything I now fully understand it is that there are many politicians who rely on this fact. They need us to stay uninformed, they factor in the percentage of us who do not vote and do not follow politics to help them climb their political ladders. These are the men and women who have their own political agendas and believe me when I say that they are usually our enemy. They do not care about how we are being treated by the governments we put in place, or the one's we do not stop from being in place to mistreat and misrepresent us. We are a non-entity to them because we do not vote. And this helps their odds of winning whatever office they are running for.
           After I started learning more about how the American political system really works I started to pay attention to what every politician was saying on TV and in the newspapers. I then noticed that there are a group of men (and to shock you even more) and even some women who are trying to take our rights away from us as I am writing this. These people really believe that women have no place in the work force or if we are there, we only need to work low level jobs. They also believe that FEMINISM is responsible for the decaying of the family structure in America today. They think that men are the only one's who legitimately need good paying jobs, because they are the one's that G-d assigned to be the "Head of Households" not women. They believe that in most cases when a man and woman divorces it is the fault of the wife because she did not preform her G-dly duties as G-d directed her to and she failed the man so she should suffer and too bad if the children conceived in this marriage suffers too. She is the reason for their suffering as well, or so they really believe.

              I could not believe that so-called "Good Christian" men and women really believe this shit. I was so stupid that I thought that only the backward and backwater types of people believed this garbage. You know, the uneducated people of America who's beliefs would never affect my life in any way were the only one's ignorant enough to fall for this shit, not our politicians.. I thought for sure, while I had the luxury of not paying attention to the political shape America was heading in that the people who understood politics, the people who I really believed were a billions times smarter than me, would never allow these types into any kind of office to make decisions for women or even men for that matter. I really believed that the rights of women in America were set in stone. Then one day while pondering this hugely controversial subject I realized that American women are not protected in any way as long as we have to rely on MEN to make sure we keep our rights.

    How stupid was I for not seeing what is right in front of my face? Women having and keeping our rights as a man has theirs is a G-DDAMNED farce as long as we women have to rely on men to make sure we keep them. And all it will take for us to lose these rights is for enough misogynistic men to infiltrate our government in key spots and they are GONE.

                                                   AN AMERICAN WAR ON WOMEN

      I really believed that people who said that their was an attack on women currently going on in America were being overly dramatic, maybe even a little paranoid. Who would even believe that in this new millennium, that men, even some women, really believe that women need men to guide us in life, because we are too weak, mentally and emotionally. Some believe we are not smart enough to know what we want and what is good for us. I really thought that they were being "Drama Queens". No, they are right and I was completely wrong for judging them, making a harsh judgement without even bothering to look into the matter to see if these people had legitimate grounds to actually think there is a "War on Women" today.

       Another thing I  ignorantly assumed and did not fully understand was I thought that they meant there was just a physical War on Women. Of course, being a True Crime buff, I knew this was true. But, I did not realize that the war they were speaking of was about the whole body of women, our place in life, our freedom of choices our choices period, our whole being, is being attacked. Our essence. Our right to have Human Rights is being tested. As I said who would really think this? I will tell you who, the men and women who pay attention to the plight of women here and all over the world.

           Something else I realized and  I am extremely grateful for, is that I was a woman born inside the United States, this is something I now do not take lightly. I may bitch, moan and groan about things, but I would not give up being American for all the wealth in the world because I am a woman. Not only do we as women have a responsibility to our female offspring to ensure her a  safe and fair place in this world, we owe something to the women in this world who cannot even understand the concept of their body being totally theirs. There are some women in this world who cannot speak out for herself. If she does, she risks being beat, jailed or even murdered because she dared to believe she has value as a human being. Not the kind of value her male family members place on her either. She has a right to exist and have say in her life, not to be treated as cattle. There was an African politician last year who made a public speech or gave a public interview where he compared African women to cattle.  Meaning their women only have value in the sense she is the physical property of her father's and after she is sold into marriage she is now the property of not only her husband, but his entire family. The girl's new Mother-in-law welcomes her into the family. Because she can now have her own personal slave. It is her time to put her slave hat up and become a slave owner.

       Even worse in some African, Middle Eastern, Indian and Pakistani countries if the Mother-in-law feels that her family has been duped by the father of her new daughter-in-law it can have deadly consequences for her.  Meaning, if the Mother-in-law feels her son and her family paid too much for a defective piece of property when they purchased the girl from her family to become their new house servant and his sex slave, that is also expected to immediately start producing male offspring and she is not meeting their expectations somehow her life becomes very ugly. If it was not ugly enough to begin with it now becomes so bad that the young girl who is nothing more than a child herself will sometimes commit suicide in one of the most horrendous ways possible. She will set herself on fire in the kitchen. Even worse, a lot of times the girl is murdered by her Mother-in-law and the family feigns it was suicide. This is something that is common place, especially in India and Pakistan. You would think that the Mother-in-law would be more sympathetic to her new child-like daughter-in-law, considering that only a couple decades prior she was in the exact same place as her Daughter-in-law is or was in.

         However, I also want to stress that even though the example I have just given is common place, it is not the norm. You have to consider that India and Pakistan have almost a billion people living there, so that is why I say it is not uncommon but, not the norm.

        One of our biggest safeguards we have today in America is women are a huge voting force and we have to stay relevant. This is why I think it is very important that women start paying attention to the negative things politicians say about us and our place in American Society.

    Thursday, June 18, 2015

    Santa Ana, Calif., Police Seek Help in Identifying Mystery Woman Injured in Traffic Accident - ABC News

    Deputies need help identifying woman in hospital | www.news965.com

    Deputies need help identifying woman in hospital | www.news965.com

    New Clue Released About Douglas County’s ‘Jane Doe’ « CBS Denver

    New Clue Released About Douglas County’s ‘Jane Doe’ « CBS Denver

    New Clue Released About Douglas County’s ‘Jane Doe’ « CBS Denver

    New Clue Released About Douglas County’s ‘Jane Doe’ « CBS Denver

    Tennessee authorities seek public’s help with “Jane Doe” - Missing Persons News

    Tennessee authorities seek public’s help with “Jane Doe” - Missing Persons News

    Tennessee authorities seek public’s help with “Jane Doe” - Missing Persons News

    Tennessee authorities seek public’s help with “Jane Doe” - Missing Persons News

    Saturday, May 30, 2015


                  There is something going on with American women of today. It really seems like there is only a handful of us, compared to,who are angered, or down right FURIOUS by what some men are trying to do to us, especially the so-called "Christian" men. They are trying to put us back into our respective places, "The Kitchen and The Bedroom". UHG! Just writing that makes me furious. How is it possible that there is not a whole movement being put together to help us retain what little rights we have today? Why aren't all women seeing what the handful of us are seeing? You guy's are not blind, just blind to the fact that there really is a war on women. I guess a lot of women do not get the fact that what rights we do have are only being protected because we are a voting force. If the men of today would take our voting rights away we would be put right back into the kitchen so fast it would make our heads spin. I am not being paranoid, I am just legitimately concerned for my grand-daughter, nieces and all future females in my family.

               HMMM? I am trying to figure out a way to say this, so, more women will understand that our rights are not  nearly as protected as we have been deliberately mislead to believe.

        How can we be free or have our rights guaranteed when we have to "RELY" on men to enforce the laws that state that we have equal treatment??????? Do you now see why this problem is a very serious one? This is the best way I can put it. I am trying to shake some of you women out of this slumber you are in and have been in. "WAKE UP" before it is too late.